At Grace Family Church we believe it is an important step of obedience for every person who has accepted Christ as his or her Saviour. Our desire is that every follower of Christ who calls Grace Family Church ‘home’ would be baptised. If you'd like to be baptised email

We are excited that you are interested in baptism because we believe it is an important step of obedience for every person who has accepted Christ as his or her Saviour. Our desire is that every follower of Christ who calls Grace Family Church ‘home’ would be baptised.
Christians believe that the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross provides the sole basis for the forgiveness of sin. Therefore, salvation, or eternal union with God, occurs only when a person places his or her faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as sufficient payment or sacrifice for his or her own sin. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord (leader of your life) and Saviour, then you are ready to be baptised. Just like a bride and groom show their love for one another to others by wearing wedding bands, your baptism is the opportunity to show others you have accepted Christ and are now walking with Him.
Baptism is a way of showing others that you have entered into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It symbolises what took place in your heart at the time of salvation: You accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. You shared in His death and resurrection. This is illustrated by going under the water (dead to your old life) and then rising again (new life). You were washed clean and your sins were forgiven through His death on the cross. Jesus instructed us to be baptised. Baptism is an act of obedience. It is not necessary for salvation, but it demonstrates our submission to God.
At Grace we believe Scripture teaches ‘Believer’s Baptism’. This means anyone who has come to faith in Christ, no matter their age, can be baptised. We ask parents of young children (under 13) to speak to one of our Grace Kids Pastors so they can help children understand what Baptism is all about. We recognise and respect the fact that other Christian denominations think differently around baptism, especially in terms of baptising infants. Because we believe that Scripture teaches ‘Believer’s Baptism’, we don’t baptise or christen infants, although we deeply respect the views of other Christians. We do however hold Baby Dedication services in which a family may commit the raising of their children to God amongst family and friends. We encourage you to contact Grace Kids if this is something you are considering.
We are excited that you are interested in baptism because we believe it is an important step of obedience for every person who has accepted Christ as his or her Saviour. Our desire is that every follower of Christ who calls Grace Family Church ‘home’ would be baptised.
Christians believe that the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross provides the sole basis for the forgiveness of sin. Therefore, salvation, or eternal union with God, occurs only when a person places his or her faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as sufficient payment or sacrifice for his or her own sin. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord (leader of your life) and Saviour, then you are ready to be baptised. Just like a bride and groom show their love for one another to others by wearing wedding bands, your baptism is the opportunity to show others you have accepted Christ and are now walking with Him.
Baptism is a way of showing others that you have entered into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It symbolises what took place in your heart at the time of salvation: You accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. You shared in His death and resurrection. This is illustrated by going under the water (dead to your old life) and then rising again (new life). You were washed clean and your sins were forgiven through His death on the cross. Jesus instructed us to be baptised. Baptism is an act of obedience. It is not necessary for salvation, but it demonstrates our submission to God.
At Grace we believe Scripture teaches ‘Believer’s Baptism’. This means anyone who has come to faith in Christ, no matter their age, can be baptised. We ask parents of young children (under 13) to speak to one of our Grace Kids Pastors so they can help children understand what Baptism is all about. We recognise and respect the fact that other Christian denominations think differently around baptism, especially in terms of baptising infants. Because we believe that Scripture teaches ‘Believer’s Baptism’, we don’t baptise or christen infants, although we deeply respect the views of other Christians. We do however hold Baby Dedication services in which a family may commit the raising of their children to God amongst family and friends. We encourage you to contact Grace Kids if this is something you are considering.
Watch this teaching on baptism by Skip Collins. He speaks about the biblical history, and theology of baptism, what it means, as well as why we believe it to be such an important step in a Christ follower's journey of faith.
Is your child asking to be baptised?
Watch this short clip with your child which explains everything you and they need to know about baptism.
Should you or your child need any more information on baptism please email Judy on
Watch this short clip with your child which explains everything you and they need to know about baptism.
Should you or your child need any more information on baptism please email Judy on