Our online content is available each week for parents to connect their kids to. Content is aimed at our Pre-Primary and Primary age groups (age 3 -12).
You can also find our Faith at Home content online.
You can also find our Faith at Home content online.
'Honour the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops, then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.' - Proverbs 3:9-10
Giving for our digital campus community makes use of Masterpass, Zapper or SnapScan. Use the relevant app on your smartphone and scan this QR code to tithe or make offerings. Alternatively you can EFT to the following details:
Grace Family Church Online
Branch Code: 210835
Account number: 63126750785
or Click Here to give via Paypal
Giving for our digital campus community makes use of Masterpass, Zapper or SnapScan. Use the relevant app on your smartphone and scan this QR code to tithe or make offerings. Alternatively you can EFT to the following details:
Grace Family Church Online
Branch Code: 210835
Account number: 63126750785
or Click Here to give via Paypal

Click here if you'd like to give via Zapper and you are on your phone.