Talking to your kids about deeper topics and their feelings or experiences can be a challenge, with one word answers like fine, ok, yes , no - etc etc.
As your kids grow up there will be more influences in their life besides you and so you want to firstly push past the mere fine or ok into the details and then push past the general conversation about life into conversation about God. But how do you do so with patience and love? Here are a few tips that seem to be effective:
Show respect
How would you feel if you were involved in something, and somebody suddenly demanded to have an in-depth conversation about something entirely different. Learning to choose the right moments to talk shows respect to your kids. Let them finish that game or drawing. Then start your conversation.
Establish a regular time and place
Maybe it’s dinner time, but whatever time or place you choose make it regular and the same so your kids know what to expect. And get rid of all distractions, television, iPads, phones, etc etc. Don't be satisfied with asking, "How was your day?" Go the extra step to open lines of communication.
Get creative
How was your day? Is a great question; it' just lends to the one word answers like fine, ok, but you want to know more. So get creative with how you ask about their day, fo e.g:
• Tell me something unusual that happened today.
• What was the most amazing thing that happened at school today?
• Complete this sentence: My day would have been more exciting if...
You could also have your kids write their own questions. Place their questions in a bowl and have each person draw a question to answer. For more fun, play the "Telephone Game." Have a child privately share something about his or her day and then pass it on. When it gets back to that child, see how much the original "conversation" has changed.
Be specific
Instead of the general question, ask about specific relationships. Ask about tests. Ask about what you talked about the previous night. Show your kids that you not only care, but also that you remember. To do that, you have to listen, and then discuss what's been talked about before.
Have fun
Sometimes the day really was just fine. That's fine - even if you don't want it to be. It's during those fine times that you can branch out and talk about upcoming family events, holidays, and other stuff.
In the end, the conversation is about reminding your children that their first outlet can and should be their parents as our first outlet is God, who always listens and cares.
How would you feel if you were involved in something, and somebody suddenly demanded to have an in-depth conversation about something entirely different. Learning to choose the right moments to talk shows respect to your kids. Let them finish that game or drawing. Then start your conversation.
Establish a regular time and place
Maybe it’s dinner time, but whatever time or place you choose make it regular and the same so your kids know what to expect. And get rid of all distractions, television, iPads, phones, etc etc. Don't be satisfied with asking, "How was your day?" Go the extra step to open lines of communication.
Get creative
How was your day? Is a great question; it' just lends to the one word answers like fine, ok, but you want to know more. So get creative with how you ask about their day, fo e.g:
• Tell me something unusual that happened today.
• What was the most amazing thing that happened at school today?
• Complete this sentence: My day would have been more exciting if...
- Is there anything that happened today that made you upset or angry etc.
You could also have your kids write their own questions. Place their questions in a bowl and have each person draw a question to answer. For more fun, play the "Telephone Game." Have a child privately share something about his or her day and then pass it on. When it gets back to that child, see how much the original "conversation" has changed.
Be specific
Instead of the general question, ask about specific relationships. Ask about tests. Ask about what you talked about the previous night. Show your kids that you not only care, but also that you remember. To do that, you have to listen, and then discuss what's been talked about before.
Have fun
Sometimes the day really was just fine. That's fine - even if you don't want it to be. It's during those fine times that you can branch out and talk about upcoming family events, holidays, and other stuff.
In the end, the conversation is about reminding your children that their first outlet can and should be their parents as our first outlet is God, who always listens and cares.
It’s awesome to talk to your kids, to know what they’re thinking, to find out who they are. And all the non-intimidating questions are a great way to get a little glimpse inside their hearts from day to day, which is invaluable. However along with these very important questions there are other - as - important questions we can also be asking.
You can also be talking to your kids about God and the ways you and they see God at work in the world around you and in your daily lives.
God is at work, even when we can't see it and even when we don't notice! God is doing good things in, through and for us all the time so count on it, anticipate it and look for it. Include God in your family discussions, talk about who God is and ways God is at work in your own hearts and in the world around you today.
Now talking about God everyday when it’s not a habit may seem daunting. So pick one day a week to start - Sunday lunch, Thursday supper? Put a reminder on your calendar or in your phone. The more you do talk about God, the more you’ll want to talk about Him. Pretty soon you won’t need that reminder anymore!
You can also be talking to your kids about God and the ways you and they see God at work in the world around you and in your daily lives.
God is at work, even when we can't see it and even when we don't notice! God is doing good things in, through and for us all the time so count on it, anticipate it and look for it. Include God in your family discussions, talk about who God is and ways God is at work in your own hearts and in the world around you today.
Now talking about God everyday when it’s not a habit may seem daunting. So pick one day a week to start - Sunday lunch, Thursday supper? Put a reminder on your calendar or in your phone. The more you do talk about God, the more you’ll want to talk about Him. Pretty soon you won’t need that reminder anymore!
If you’re not used to talking about these things it may feel or sound awkward at first. That’s okay! Keep at it until becomes second nature. Try these questions if you’re unsure how to start.
- What has God done for you today?
- What did God help you with today?
- Did you pray to God about anything today?
- Did God answer your prayer in anyway?
- What have you seen God do for someone else today?
- What happened today that reminded you of who God is?
- How have you seen God’s faithfulness today?
- Did you notice anything amazing in God’s creation today?
- How did you see God in your day today?

This will lead onto more questions, and your kids may have questions of their own and as they get older those questions will become more difficult, but we encourage you to embrace the questions and the open conversations as this helps your kids discover their faith and own it.
How do we know God?
Knowing God doesn't happen in a moment. It's not like we wake up one morning and BAM, we know God, we have Him all figured out, and we don't have any more questions or doubts.
This book isn't about knowing everything there is to know about God. Know God is a 4-week, interactive journal designed to start kids on a journey of everyday things they can do to know God better: hear, pray, talk, and live.
Knowing God doesn't happen in a moment. It's not like we wake up one morning and BAM, we know God, we have Him all figured out, and we don't have any more questions or doubts.
This book isn't about knowing everything there is to know about God. Know God is a 4-week, interactive journal designed to start kids on a journey of everyday things they can do to know God better: hear, pray, talk, and live.